Those who say spirituality is saying no to materialism in all its form are on the wrong. This material world has materialism surrounding us. From a sense, the food that we eat, our wives and children, are all material things. Islam, the religion that till now preached only of an abstract God too could not be conceived without material objects like the Kaaba and the Quran. Hence our concepts regarding materialism are all wrong. Even if we go to the remotest parts of jungle, it is not possible to do away with material things as we are totally dependent on them for survival.
Where should we fix the limit? Just as it is wrong to see materialism only in negative sense, it is also not correct to see spirituality in certain asanas and japs (chantings) of a few shlokas or verses from Vedas or Quran. Spirituality in true essence is keeping the remembrance of God alive at all times. The more we remember Him, not by physical chanting, but in our deeds, while enjoying the benefits of material things that have been created for us, the greater will we become elevated in spirituality. Spirituality is nothing but the relationship which each individual builds with his or her creator.
Gita has truly explained this paradox when it says that one has to gain control of his organs of senses and actions and then, keeping in mind the path shown by the devatas, should elevate his self so as to attain union of his self with the Manifest Self (Paramatma) and perform all necessary action keeping aloft the remembrance of Absolute God. Such a person alone is the pursuer of true path, the one who will achieve salvation.
Path is clear. Through the Noor or Spirit of God one has to attain spiritual union with others rather than physical relations. Now our focus should be that God never wanted to create religions through sending various messengers and Prophets. Through the revealed books and through the life of Imams the focus was to reveal the True Path that through their grace leads us to that level where an everlasting heaven becomes prerequisite. If one continues to tread the path of Truth, like they did, steadfastly and patiently, even if that path is one shown by the earlier Prophets and Messengers, it all relates to the True Path of God. The second path was of injustice and evil owing to its relation with the Forces of Darkness epitomised by Satan that leads to a permanent stay in hell.There are followers of this path in all regions and religions, whose spirits have acted against the dictats of God at all times and who keep trying to trample the true path and adhered to the 'rosy' path shown by Satan. Such spirits are far off from the Straight Path.
The Day of Judgment is not far now, about which the munafiqeens of Arab used to ask Prophet Mohammad. Owing to their lack of faith, the munafiqeens were not aware that none but God - the Almighty - alone is All-Knowing and Mohammad and the rest of Masooms know only what has been told to them by God, which God wants all of us to understand now. Nobody can tell when the Day of Judgment will occur but the conditions that we are saying it is evident that the Day is not far off.
When this Day will come, those who have performed good deeds will enter on their own foot toParadise but in a manner as if sleep-walking, where the Masooms owing to their relationship with the Noor of God, will welcome him. Those jinns and humans who have performed bad deeds will be thrown in the fire of hell. If only he had done good deeds then they too would have been written in Loh-e-Mahfouz. If one loves one or few of the Prophets and do not see their message from spiritual point of view and does not build a spiritual relationship with them, and the person creates religions or sects because of this, then he is actually weakening the cause of God. Even love with the Prophet or Imams without having a spiritual relationship with them and their message is sure to cause trouble. If you weaken the truth in this manner then you yourself will become weak due to the displeasure of God and Satan will reign control over you.
This is what we are doing in name of religion and sects. This is cause of discomfort to the devatas or Noors. It is time to keep in mind at all times that these Imams and Prophets are not to seen due to physical relationship with some religion or sect. They should be seen from the depths of faith as it is they who has relationship with all the Prophets and rest of Masooms.
You have an example in front of you. Abu Lahab was Prophet's real uncle. But he saw the Prophet by worldly relationship and didn't recognize the spirituality behind Prophet's message. Consequently, he was ridiculed even in Quran. On the other hand, through showering respect on his daughter, Fatima, the Prophet showed that all his acts were not governed by physical nearness with someone but due to the acceptance of path that he brought for all of us. The Prophet used to stand up in respect whenFatima used to come. This respect was because of Fatima 's link with the same Noor. When this relationship with Noor comes to forefront, then other relationships are not seen, age is not seen, and only God's teachings are seen, only Noor of God is seen and those who do so are only worthy of salvation.
Shade prior to the Day of Judgment, these revelations are being made because we have loved the physical bodies of Messengers dear to us since a long time. Ponder over, now is the time to build relationship of our self with these representatives of Divine Self. Because the Day of Judgment is near therefore all the hidden treasures of knowledge are being brought forth and Divine acts are being revealed by the grace of God. Now is the last opportunity for Jinns and Humans to come to the Right Path. This path has been presented before you with proofs. Hasten towards the path before it is too late. Jinns and humans have to give the test once again. The doors of repentance are still open. If His message is not accepted now, then the doors will surely close. More chances cannot be given as the world has reached a stage where man is spilling the blood of other men. In spite of all the scientific progress, man has still not changed much from the time of Habeel and Qabeel (sons of Adam). This is in spite of the fact that so many Messengers have been sent, Books have been revealed and the Straight Path shown on countless occasions. And this is in spite of presenting the sacrifice of Husain for the guidance of mankind. In spite of all these, the world has gone from bad to worse each day.
Consider these devatas or Masooms as miracles of the power of God. They are the grace of God on us. Otherwise God is enough to deal with us. He is the God of the worlds and the only Lord and Ruler of all the creation. Without Him, even air won't blow.
Ya man hova ala kulle shayin qadeer.
All of us should believe on God's Power to this extent. Those who think that they are controlling the world are in fact treading Satan's path. They tried to trample the truth and followers of truth. They tried to subdue truth and weaken it. Due to this, it is not easy for the world to survive anymore. The Doomsday, about which promise had been made long back, has to come. This is so because the conditions have reached a stage where it is not easy for the Spirits to sustain and run the affairs of this world. That is why attempt is being made to make us remember the promise of Doomsday and the meaning of Oneness and Unity of God being highlighted once more. The Divine Noor of God has come openly to guide you. Believe it or do not believe it. This has been done so that prior to Doomsday, man seeks forgiveness of God for his bad deeds through helping the Truth or performance of good deeds. If he treads the True Path from the core of his heart, or perform acts that endears him with noor, then he will become clean as he was at the time of his birth. This is the way to get united with the Noor of God.
Remember, religious deeds cannot be forced. Just as one night's time was given to Hur to realize whether he wanted to be with Husain or Yazid, consider this time as time given to Hur and all the forces of Yazid. Forces of evil show you the charms of material forces of this world. On the other hand, there is abstract promise of a permanent stay in Heaven. Hur got united with the Noor owing to coming on the side of Husain and remaining steadfast in assistance whereas the rest of Yazid's men failed. A common man became an important person. God elevated his spirituality to such an extent that Hur was included in the list of those who tread on the path of Truth. He became worthy of heaven by sacrificing his life for Husain. First he got Husain, and as consequence of this got God. Hence he became united with the Noor of God.
Husain sacrificed the life of all his near and dear ones.Karbala is a message for eternity. But what are his followers doing today? Those who consider him as Imam have forsaken the spiritual relationship with Husain. Worldly relations have no place in spiritual pursuits. All the worldly relations have been given by Him. He is the One who Created all the creation. Imam's example is in front of us. He didn't turn to see what would happen of Sakina, the 4 year old daughter. He didn't think what would happen of his wives and sister and the rest of his family. This was because he had faith on God. It is God who takes care of all of us and not us. All of us say so but our actions are against what we say. That is why those with faith have weaken to such an extent that Satan has built his empire. There are only few righteous men remaining in this world who follow the path of God. World may be calling them as fools but they have complete faith in their God. They remember Him in good and bad times. They seek His forgiveness even in hours of calamity. They never complain to God. They are steadfast in deeds and acts of faith. Seeing their steadfastness,God tests their patience. This is God's gameplan. And in this manner He identifies the good-doers from the rest.
Where should we fix the limit? Just as it is wrong to see materialism only in negative sense, it is also not correct to see spirituality in certain asanas and japs (chantings) of a few shlokas or verses from Vedas or Quran. Spirituality in true essence is keeping the remembrance of God alive at all times. The more we remember Him, not by physical chanting, but in our deeds, while enjoying the benefits of material things that have been created for us, the greater will we become elevated in spirituality. Spirituality is nothing but the relationship which each individual builds with his or her creator.
Gita has truly explained this paradox when it says that one has to gain control of his organs of senses and actions and then, keeping in mind the path shown by the devatas, should elevate his self so as to attain union of his self with the Manifest Self (Paramatma) and perform all necessary action keeping aloft the remembrance of Absolute God. Such a person alone is the pursuer of true path, the one who will achieve salvation.
Path is clear. Through the Noor or Spirit of God one has to attain spiritual union with others rather than physical relations. Now our focus should be that God never wanted to create religions through sending various messengers and Prophets. Through the revealed books and through the life of Imams the focus was to reveal the True Path that through their grace leads us to that level where an everlasting heaven becomes prerequisite. If one continues to tread the path of Truth, like they did, steadfastly and patiently, even if that path is one shown by the earlier Prophets and Messengers, it all relates to the True Path of God. The second path was of injustice and evil owing to its relation with the Forces of Darkness epitomised by Satan that leads to a permanent stay in hell.There are followers of this path in all regions and religions, whose spirits have acted against the dictats of God at all times and who keep trying to trample the true path and adhered to the 'rosy' path shown by Satan. Such spirits are far off from the Straight Path.
The Day of Judgment is not far now, about which the munafiqeens of Arab used to ask Prophet Mohammad. Owing to their lack of faith, the munafiqeens were not aware that none but God - the Almighty - alone is All-Knowing and Mohammad and the rest of Masooms know only what has been told to them by God, which God wants all of us to understand now. Nobody can tell when the Day of Judgment will occur but the conditions that we are saying it is evident that the Day is not far off.
When this Day will come, those who have performed good deeds will enter on their own foot to
This is what we are doing in name of religion and sects. This is cause of discomfort to the devatas or Noors. It is time to keep in mind at all times that these Imams and Prophets are not to seen due to physical relationship with some religion or sect. They should be seen from the depths of faith as it is they who has relationship with all the Prophets and rest of Masooms.
You have an example in front of you. Abu Lahab was Prophet's real uncle. But he saw the Prophet by worldly relationship and didn't recognize the spirituality behind Prophet's message. Consequently, he was ridiculed even in Quran. On the other hand, through showering respect on his daughter, Fatima, the Prophet showed that all his acts were not governed by physical nearness with someone but due to the acceptance of path that he brought for all of us. The Prophet used to stand up in respect when
Shade prior to the Day of Judgment, these revelations are being made because we have loved the physical bodies of Messengers dear to us since a long time. Ponder over, now is the time to build relationship of our self with these representatives of Divine Self. Because the Day of Judgment is near therefore all the hidden treasures of knowledge are being brought forth and Divine acts are being revealed by the grace of God. Now is the last opportunity for Jinns and Humans to come to the Right Path. This path has been presented before you with proofs. Hasten towards the path before it is too late. Jinns and humans have to give the test once again. The doors of repentance are still open. If His message is not accepted now, then the doors will surely close. More chances cannot be given as the world has reached a stage where man is spilling the blood of other men. In spite of all the scientific progress, man has still not changed much from the time of Habeel and Qabeel (sons of Adam). This is in spite of the fact that so many Messengers have been sent, Books have been revealed and the Straight Path shown on countless occasions. And this is in spite of presenting the sacrifice of Husain for the guidance of mankind. In spite of all these, the world has gone from bad to worse each day.
Consider these devatas or Masooms as miracles of the power of God. They are the grace of God on us. Otherwise God is enough to deal with us. He is the God of the worlds and the only Lord and Ruler of all the creation. Without Him, even air won't blow.
Ya man hova ala kulle shayin qadeer.
All of us should believe on God's Power to this extent. Those who think that they are controlling the world are in fact treading Satan's path. They tried to trample the truth and followers of truth. They tried to subdue truth and weaken it. Due to this, it is not easy for the world to survive anymore. The Doomsday, about which promise had been made long back, has to come. This is so because the conditions have reached a stage where it is not easy for the Spirits to sustain and run the affairs of this world. That is why attempt is being made to make us remember the promise of Doomsday and the meaning of Oneness and Unity of God being highlighted once more. The Divine Noor of God has come openly to guide you. Believe it or do not believe it. This has been done so that prior to Doomsday, man seeks forgiveness of God for his bad deeds through helping the Truth or performance of good deeds. If he treads the True Path from the core of his heart, or perform acts that endears him with noor, then he will become clean as he was at the time of his birth. This is the way to get united with the Noor of God.
Remember, religious deeds cannot be forced. Just as one night's time was given to Hur to realize whether he wanted to be with Husain or Yazid, consider this time as time given to Hur and all the forces of Yazid. Forces of evil show you the charms of material forces of this world. On the other hand, there is abstract promise of a permanent stay in Heaven. Hur got united with the Noor owing to coming on the side of Husain and remaining steadfast in assistance whereas the rest of Yazid's men failed. A common man became an important person. God elevated his spirituality to such an extent that Hur was included in the list of those who tread on the path of Truth. He became worthy of heaven by sacrificing his life for Husain. First he got Husain, and as consequence of this got God. Hence he became united with the Noor of God.
Husain sacrificed the life of all his near and dear ones.
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